1 Bigha is equal to how many Square Feet (Sq.ft.) in Uttar Pradesh (UP)

Bigha being a traditional unit of measurement for land, it has different value in different districts of Uttar Pradesh. In the districts on the western side of the state, one bigha is equal to 5 biswa or 6.75 biswa. In other districts of UP, 1 bigha = 20 biswas. On the eastern districts of UP, one Bigha is equal to 20 Biswa(Pucca) and 10 Biswa(Kaccha). This is mostly used in local scale for field calculation.
Now 1 biswa = 125 sq.m ,
So 1 Bigha (Pucca) = 20 biswa = 2500 Sq.m = 26909.776 Sq.ft. = 0.25 Hectare
Below converter is based on this calculation,
to convert Bigha to other units of Land area measurement :
Area Conversion of Bigha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Bigha = 0.617763453667913 Acres
1 Bigha = 0.25 Hectares
1 Bigha = 26909.7760417743 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 2500 Sq. Meters
1 Bigha = 0.0025 Sq. Kilometers
1 Bigha = 2989.9751157527 Sq. Yards
1 Bigha = 61.7763453667913 Cent
1 Acre = 1.61874256896 Bigha
1 Hectare = 4 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000037161216 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.0004 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 400 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000334450944 Bigha
1 Cent = 0.0161874256896 Bigha
1 Bigha = 0.617763453667913 Acres
1 Bigha = 0.25 Hectares
1 Bigha = 26909.7760417743 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 2500 Sq. Meters
1 Bigha = 0.0025 Sq. Kilometers
1 Bigha = 2989.9751157527 Sq. Yards
1 Bigha = 61.7763453667913 Cent
1 Acre = 1.61874256896 Bigha
1 Hectare = 4 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000037161216 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.0004 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 400 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000334450944 Bigha
1 Cent = 0.0161874256896 Bigha