Convert Hectare (ha) to acres


Convert Hectare (ha) to acres

Convert Hectare (ha) to acres
Hectare is an SI unit of measurement for Area. It's area is equal to the area of a square having side of length of 100 meters. So 1 Hectare is equal to 10000 Square meters. It is primarily used in the measurement of land. It is widely used throughout the world for measuring of large areas of land. It is legal unit of measurement in most countries. People generally ask, 1 Hectare is equal to how many acres ?
1 Hectare = 10000 Sq. Meters = 2.471 acres

Use the Below Converter to find Hectare (ha) to other Units :
Convert from
Convert to

Area Conversion of Hectare to other Units and vice versa:
1 Hectare = 2.47105381467165 Acres
1 Hectare = 107639.104167097 Sq. Feet
1 Hectare = 10000 Sq. Meters
1 Hectare = 0.01 Sq. Kilometers
1 Hectare = 11959.9004630108 Sq. Yards
1 Hectare = 247.105381467165 Cent
1 Acre = 0.40468564224 Hectare
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000009290304 Hectare
1 Sq. Meter = 0.0001 Hectare
1 Sq. Kilometer = 100 Hectare
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000083612736 Hectare
1 Cent = 0.0040468564224 Hectare