Convert Katha to Lecha in Assam

Katha is a unit of land measurement in Assam. It is less than bigha but more than Lecha.
Generally the question arises for 1 Katha is equal to how many Lechas ?
In Assam 1 Katha = 20 Lecha = 20 x 144 = 2880 Sq Ft
Convert Katha to other units of Land area measurement :
Area Conversion of Katha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Katha = 20 lecha
1 Katha = 0.0661157024793388 Acres
1 Katha = 0.02675607552 Hectares
1 Katha = 2880 Sq. Feet
1 Katha = 267.5607552 Sq. Meters
1 Katha = 0.0002675607552 Sq. Kilometers
1 Katha = 320 Sq. Yards
1 Katha = 6.61157024793388 Cent
1 lecha = 0.05 Katha
1 Acre = 15.125 Katha
1 Hectare = 37.3746889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000347222222222222 Katha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.00373746889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 3737.46889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.003125 Katha
1 Cent = 0.15125 Katha
1 Katha = 20 lecha
1 Katha = 0.0661157024793388 Acres
1 Katha = 0.02675607552 Hectares
1 Katha = 2880 Sq. Feet
1 Katha = 267.5607552 Sq. Meters
1 Katha = 0.0002675607552 Sq. Kilometers
1 Katha = 320 Sq. Yards
1 Katha = 6.61157024793388 Cent
1 lecha = 0.05 Katha
1 Acre = 15.125 Katha
1 Hectare = 37.3746889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000347222222222222 Katha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.00373746889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 3737.46889469088 Katha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.003125 Katha
1 Cent = 0.15125 Katha