Lecha to Square Feet (sq ft)

Lecha is a unit of land measurement in Assam. Some other variants of the spelling of lecha are locha, lochha, lessa, losha, lasas. Lecha is 1/20 th of a Katha.
People generally ask 1 Lecha is equal to how many square feet ?
Now lecha is equal to 12 ft x 12 ft.
Therefore 1 Lecha = 144 Sq. Ft.
Convert Lecha to other units of Land area measurement :
Area Conversion of Lecha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Lecha = 0.00330578512396694 Acres
1 Lecha = 0.001337803776 Hectares
1 Lecha = 144 Sq. Feet
1 Lecha = 13.37803776 Sq. Meters
1 Lecha = 0.00001337803776 Sq. Kilometers
1 Lecha = 16 Sq. Yards
1 Lecha = 0.330578512396694 Cent
1 Katha = 20 Lecha
1 Acre = 302.5 Lecha
1 Hectare = 747.493778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.00694444444444444 Lecha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.0747493778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 74749.3778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.0625 Lecha
1 Cent = 3.025 Lecha
1 Lecha = 0.00330578512396694 Acres
1 Lecha = 0.001337803776 Hectares
1 Lecha = 144 Sq. Feet
1 Lecha = 13.37803776 Sq. Meters
1 Lecha = 0.00001337803776 Sq. Kilometers
1 Lecha = 16 Sq. Yards
1 Lecha = 0.330578512396694 Cent
1 Katha = 20 Lecha
1 Acre = 302.5 Lecha
1 Hectare = 747.493778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.00694444444444444 Lecha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.0747493778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 74749.3778938175 Lecha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.0625 Lecha
1 Cent = 3.025 Lecha