Bigha to katha | Bigha to Chatak | Bigha to Square Feet in Bengal

Bigha is a traditional unit of land measurement. It is still used as an unofficial area measure in many parts of the of the world especially southern Asia regions. The value of Bigha is not standard and hence it differs from place to place. Here we will discuss the value of Bigha used in Bengal (West Bengal).
People generally ask the question like 1 Bigha is equal to how many square Feet ? or how many katha make a bigha? or 1 bigha is equal to how many Chatak ?
In Bengal,
1 Bigha = 14400 Sq Ft = 1600 Sq Yards = 20 Katha = 320 Chatak
Convert Bigha to other units of Land area measurement :
Area Conversion of Bigha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Bigha = 320 Chatak
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Bigha = 0.330578512396694 Acre
1 Bigha = 0.1337803776 Hectare
1 Bigha = 14400 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 1337.803776 Sq. Meter
1 Bigha = 0.001337803776 Sq. Kilometer
1 Bigha = 1600 Sq. Yard
1 Bigha = 33.0578512396694 Decimal
1 Chatak = 0.003125 Bigha
1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha
1 Acre = 3.025 Bigha
1 Hectare = 7.47493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 6.94444444444444E-05 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.000747493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 747.493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000625 Bigha
1 Decimal = 0.03025 Bigha
1 Bigha = 320 Chatak
1 Bigha = 20 Katha
1 Bigha = 0.330578512396694 Acre
1 Bigha = 0.1337803776 Hectare
1 Bigha = 14400 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 1337.803776 Sq. Meter
1 Bigha = 0.001337803776 Sq. Kilometer
1 Bigha = 1600 Sq. Yard
1 Bigha = 33.0578512396694 Decimal
1 Chatak = 0.003125 Bigha
1 Katha = 0.05 Bigha
1 Acre = 3.025 Bigha
1 Hectare = 7.47493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 6.94444444444444E-05 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.000747493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 747.493778938175 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000625 Bigha
1 Decimal = 0.03025 Bigha
Frequently Asked Questions :
Q. 1 Bigha = ? Katha
A. 1 Bigha = 20 Katha
Q. 1 Bigha is equal to how many square yards ?
A. 1 Bigha = 1600 Square Yards
Q. 1 Bigha in Square Feet in West Bengal
A. 1 Bigha = 14400 Sq Feet in West Bengal
Q. 1 Acre = ? Bigha in West Bengal Calculator
A. 1 Acre = 3.025 Bigha in West Bengal